All our items are US Size.
If you have difficulties in choosing your size, you can follow these suggestions:
A.You can use “Find the best size based on people like you” in the Size Guide on product page. Enter your Weight and Height, and it will recommend you a size matching your bust as a reference.
B.You can contact us at hi@creri.com, and our designers will recommend your size for you.
All the packages are sent from China.
Usually, it takes 10-20 days for shipping. However, it varies from countries and shipping methods. For more details, please check our shipping info.
Generally, your refund will be processed to your original payment method. This process will take about 1-14 days (depending on the payment method or bank you used). Therefore, you may need to wait few days to receive your refund after we processe it. If you did not receive your refund within 14 days after we processed it, please contact us at hi@creri.com.
A. Before the order be shipped
Please email us ASAP with your order number or recipient information.
B. After the order be shipped
Generally, we cannot cancel the order in transit. If you no longer need the package, please wait for the delivery of the package to complete and then initiate a return request.
A. Before the order be shipped
Please email us ASPS with what you want to modify, attaching the order number or recipient information.
B. After the order be shipped
Unfortunately, we cannot modify the order in transit.
Generally, your order will be shipped out within 1-5 days. However, sometimes it may be delayed for 1-3 days due to some irresistible factor.
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. You can track your order by the tracking number in the email. If you did not receive the confirmation email, you can contact us via email at hi@creri.com to obtain your order tracking number.
Generally, you will receive an order confirmation email as soon as you complete the payment. And a shipping confirmation email concerning tracking info will be sent to you as soon as the order is shipped out. If you did not receive the email, it may be caused by the following reasons:
1. The email might be shielded. Please check your junt emails.
2. You did not fill in the email address in the order.
3. You might fill in the wrong email address.Please contact us at hi@creri.com to obtain your order info.
Generally, tracking info will only be updated after completing a certain procedure. For example, it usually takes 3-5 days for customs clearance, and tracking info will be updated after the customs clearance is completed. If the tracking is stuck for more than 7 days, please contact us via email at hi@creri.com.
If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered but you can't find it:
A.Carrier may have placed it in a safer location, please check: Mailbox/Porch/Garage/Any area out of potential weather hazards/Exterior doors and any locations where the package could be placed.
B.Check your mailbox again as some packages come separately from your regular mail.
C.Check with others in your house that may have accepted it.
We are so sorry for the inconvenience for you. No worries! We will provide you with a satisfactory solution! Please contact us via email at hi@creri.com, providing pictures of the defective item(s) and the order number. We will deal with the problem ASAP.
So sorry for the inconvenience for you. We’re trying our best to provide our customers better shopping experience. But it’s difficult to be perfect and mistakes may happen occasionally. Please be assured that we will provide you with a satisfactory solution!
Generally, we will not split your order into two packages. Missing items from package may caused by the mistakes of our staff. So sorry for the inconvenience for you! No worries! Please contact us ASAP at hi@creri.com.
If you still need help, please feel free to contact us.
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